Consulate of Kuwait in Los Angeles
Los Angeles - USA
Consulate in Los Angeles
Diplomatic representation of Kuwait.
Information on consular services of the
Consulate of Kuwait in Los Angeles. On this
website you will find general information
about the Consulate of Kuwait in
Los Angeles.
Diplomatic mission |
Kuwaiti |
Consulate of Kuwait in Los Angeles
1801 Avenue of the Stars, #1010
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Telephone number
310-556-0300 |
Fax number |
310-556-0400 |
kuwaitconsulate@yahoo.com |
H.E. Abdullatif Ali Alyahya, Consul
General |
Foreign Representation
Find your hotel close to the Consulate of Kuwait in Los Angeles
Consulate of
Kuwait in Los Angeles |
Here you will find contact information of the Los Anegles foreign consulates
In Los Angeles - USA there are over 80 Consulates and other foreign representations located. This website is not the official website of the Los Angeles consulate.. |
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